Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Pictures

Yesterday was such a amazing day!!! I got to see my baby girl! I had an extra long ultrasound/anatomy scan. We got to look at her on a TV screen for nearly 20 minutes! It was awesome!! The ultrasound tech showed us her organs, bones, and facial features. She also told us everything looks great. We were able to see and hear her little heart beating at 151 beats per minute. We cayght a glimpse of her little personality. We may have a timid one! Every time they tried to get a good shot of her face, she would cover it with both hands like she was embarrassed. She also likes to sit with her legs crossed like a polite young lady.

Here is a shot from the top. You can see her head on the right... her knees are bent up...and there are her little crossed legs!
Below are her feet. It is a little but blurry, but we are hoping she doesn't have boats like Angie or dwarf feet like Susan. :)

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