Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dancing Queen

I swear I think you are dancing in there little girl! Every night, just like clockwork, around 9:30/10 as I am winding down and relaxing...there she goes! I am able to feel her every day now. It is the strangest, but most AMAZING feeling! For about 30 minutes or so each night, I get to enjoy those little movements in my belly. I wonder how she is moving. Is she kicking? Is it her arms? It feels like she must be dancing!

Part of me wants so badly for others to be able to feel her too. )Whenever I try and get others to feel, it never works.) But the other part of me is enjoying this part being just between us. It is almost like the first "secret" I get to share with my daughter. It is something shared between the two of us that is so special! It is a daily reminder of the miraculous blessing God has given to me!

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