Thursday, March 1, 2012

Half Way!!!

Today officially marks the halfway point in my pregnancy! I can't believe it! It is crazy to imagine that in just 20 more weeks, Mike and I will be holding our precious little girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like, to hold her in my arms, to smell her....I am so excited!!!

The first half of this journey has been great. There were a few scared and shocked moments when we found out.....then some sick and exhausted moments....but after that short time, things have really become wonderful! I feel great! I have so much energy again. I am back in the gym (not throwing weights around anymore). Other than the bread binges, I am trying really hard to get back on track with eating too. It has been so much fun for my family and friends to share in the excitement for Baby Low. Thank you to everyone for your sweet comments, cards, and special gifts for our little one. She is ALREADY spoiled!

20 down, 20 to go! I hope the second half is filled with as much joy as the first! Time to buy some maternity pants!

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