Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Name Game

I never thought I would have such a hard time deciding on a name for a baby!! Since I started teaching and read the children's book EmmaKate, I KNEW that would be what I would name my little girl one day. But now, Emma is like the number one name for girls...so I have thrown that one out the window. LOVE the name, but don't want her to have to be "Emma L." whos sits near Emma B. and Emma M. in her class.

Choosing a name is such a big job!! I want her to have a beautiful name...one she will be proud of and love to have. I am a big fan of classic names, but don't want her name to be too common. I also don't want it to be too unique or trendy like those weird celebrity baby names (no "Suri" or "Apple" here).

And of course once you decide on a first name, then you have to find a middle name that sounds good with the first name, but also doesn't sound weird with the last name. Then there's the part where Mike has to like the name too! :)

I am going to get some name ideas from my class (these should be interesting, I will keep you posted).

So, I am open to suggestions concerning the future name of Baby Low.

ps- Our mom's suggestion of "Cheryl Carol Low" was given thoughtful consideration, but has been pulled out of the name race.

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