Wednesday, March 28, 2012

24 weeks today!

There is no denying Baby Low is growing.... and so is Mamma Low!! At least now people won't think I just ate too many donuts. It's pretty obvious that I am preggers now! Spring Break next week should be interesting! Look out for the "big white whale" floating around! :)
The bigger she gets, the more I am able to feel her moving. Mike can feel her now, and I even saw my tummy moving! She is getting strong. I LOVE being able to feel her in there! It is such an amazing feeling!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Name Game

I never thought I would have such a hard time deciding on a name for a baby!! Since I started teaching and read the children's book EmmaKate, I KNEW that would be what I would name my little girl one day. But now, Emma is like the number one name for I have thrown that one out the window. LOVE the name, but don't want her to have to be "Emma L." whos sits near Emma B. and Emma M. in her class.

Choosing a name is such a big job!! I want her to have a beautiful she will be proud of and love to have. I am a big fan of classic names, but don't want her name to be too common. I also don't want it to be too unique or trendy like those weird celebrity baby names (no "Suri" or "Apple" here).

And of course once you decide on a first name, then you have to find a middle name that sounds good with the first name, but also doesn't sound weird with the last name. Then there's the part where Mike has to like the name too! :)

I am going to get some name ideas from my class (these should be interesting, I will keep you posted).

So, I am open to suggestions concerning the future name of Baby Low.

ps- Our mom's suggestion of "Cheryl Carol Low" was given thoughtful consideration, but has been pulled out of the name race.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dancing Queen

I swear I think you are dancing in there little girl! Every night, just like clockwork, around 9:30/10 as I am winding down and relaxing...there she goes! I am able to feel her every day now. It is the strangest, but most AMAZING feeling! For about 30 minutes or so each night, I get to enjoy those little movements in my belly. I wonder how she is moving. Is she kicking? Is it her arms? It feels like she must be dancing!

Part of me wants so badly for others to be able to feel her too. )Whenever I try and get others to feel, it never works.) But the other part of me is enjoying this part being just between us. It is almost like the first "secret" I get to share with my daughter. It is something shared between the two of us that is so special! It is a daily reminder of the miraculous blessing God has given to me!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

21 weeks

In the words of one of my students..."Miss Camps, actually, you're looking kinda fat..."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Pictures

Yesterday was such a amazing day!!! I got to see my baby girl! I had an extra long ultrasound/anatomy scan. We got to look at her on a TV screen for nearly 20 minutes! It was awesome!! The ultrasound tech showed us her organs, bones, and facial features. She also told us everything looks great. We were able to see and hear her little heart beating at 151 beats per minute. We cayght a glimpse of her little personality. We may have a timid one! Every time they tried to get a good shot of her face, she would cover it with both hands like she was embarrassed. She also likes to sit with her legs crossed like a polite young lady.

Here is a shot from the top. You can see her head on the right... her knees are bent up...and there are her little crossed legs!
Below are her feet. It is a little but blurry, but we are hoping she doesn't have boats like Angie or dwarf feet like Susan. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Half Way!!!

Today officially marks the halfway point in my pregnancy! I can't believe it! It is crazy to imagine that in just 20 more weeks, Mike and I will be holding our precious little girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like, to hold her in my arms, to smell her....I am so excited!!!

The first half of this journey has been great. There were a few scared and shocked moments when we found out.....then some sick and exhausted moments....but after that short time, things have really become wonderful! I feel great! I have so much energy again. I am back in the gym (not throwing weights around anymore). Other than the bread binges, I am trying really hard to get back on track with eating too. It has been so much fun for my family and friends to share in the excitement for Baby Low. Thank you to everyone for your sweet comments, cards, and special gifts for our little one. She is ALREADY spoiled!

20 down, 20 to go! I hope the second half is filled with as much joy as the first! Time to buy some maternity pants!