Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Week Old!

Our baby girl is one week old today! The past week has been such a whirlwind full of lots of hard work, but mostly full of JOY! My heart is overflowing with love for my precious little girl and my amazing husband.

Things I've learned in the 1st week:
  1. A shower is a privilege and has never felt so good
  2. A pee or poop can be celebrated (I never thought I would say "yay, a poopie diaper!")
  3. Never leave a butt uncovered. (look out for peeing everywhere and projectile poop- yep, on the wall)
  4. Two consecutive hours of sleep feel seem like 10
  5. Moms really do know everything (not me- MY mom)
  6. Being a mom means being a cow. My life now revolves around making milk and feeding.
  7. Holding your baby gives you a feeling that is better than any other in the whole world.
  8. Family support is irreplaceable.
  9. Wearing pjs 24/7 is totally acceptable
  10. When people describe a mother's love, they are exactly right. There is NOTHING like it.
Hannah Rae is the most incredible gift from God. I am so blessed to be her mom! Happy 1 week baby girl!!

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