Thursday, July 26, 2012

One Week Old!

Our baby girl is one week old today! The past week has been such a whirlwind full of lots of hard work, but mostly full of JOY! My heart is overflowing with love for my precious little girl and my amazing husband.

Things I've learned in the 1st week:
  1. A shower is a privilege and has never felt so good
  2. A pee or poop can be celebrated (I never thought I would say "yay, a poopie diaper!")
  3. Never leave a butt uncovered. (look out for peeing everywhere and projectile poop- yep, on the wall)
  4. Two consecutive hours of sleep feel seem like 10
  5. Moms really do know everything (not me- MY mom)
  6. Being a mom means being a cow. My life now revolves around making milk and feeding.
  7. Holding your baby gives you a feeling that is better than any other in the whole world.
  8. Family support is irreplaceable.
  9. Wearing pjs 24/7 is totally acceptable
  10. When people describe a mother's love, they are exactly right. There is NOTHING like it.
Hannah Rae is the most incredible gift from God. I am so blessed to be her mom! Happy 1 week baby girl!!

Welcome Hannah Rae!

She's here! What an amazing journey! Hannah did not come on her due date (July 18th) and at my check up that day, I was still around 2-3cm. The doctor decided to make a plan for induction on Friday the 20th. Mike and I decided to have a dinner date since we would be checking in the hospital the next night. We headed over to The Counter in Roswell for some turkey burgers. I started having contractions around dinner time, and they continued as we got ready for bed. Around 11:45, I got out of bed and came into the den to time them. By 1:30 am, I knew it was time! I went to wake Mike - Its GO TIME!! We grabbed our hospital bags (which had been packed for a month), called the doctor and our parents, and we were off to Northside!

We unloaded all our stuff (people probably thought we were moving in) and checked in. It didn't take long to get into a room. The nurse checked me upon arrival and I was 5cm. Everyone knows how pain tolerant I am (yeah right)....around 3:30am I got an epidural (scary!) and the pain went away. The epidural slowed the contractions, but family started coming in, which really was a great distraction. I think we won the award for most visitors in the waiting area in Northside Hospital history! Seriously, the nurses kept commenting on it. :) It was so great to have so many loved ones there supporting us and loving our baby girl already!

They gave me pitocin around 7:30am, and after a couple more hours, I was at 10cm and ready to push! But before I did, I got the BEST phone call of all time from Drew!! I was able to talk to him literally minutes before I delivered- timing couldn't have been better!!!

At 11:11 am, our lives were blessed and forever changed by our 7lb 12oz, beautiful baby girl. I can't begin to put into words the feeling that came over me when I got to see her and put her in my arms for the first time. Truly the most wonderful miracle and indescribable joy my heart has ever experienced. Welcome Hannah Rae!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

39 Weeks Today!

Well, here I am- 39 weeks! Still no Hannah Rae. I think this is the hardest part of the whole pregnancy! Even harder than the sickness. Waiting is so hard to do! I don't think I can get the house any cleaner. And poor Mike is probably going to kill me when he sees the water bill- not a thread of dirty clothes in this house. I have done laundry pretty much every day. It's bad. I have watched hours of America's Next Top Model and Dance Moms re-runs. I have seen a dozen movies. I have had multiple manicures (just to make sure my nails are picture ready for holding my sweet girl).

I have talked to everyone I know about natural ways to bring on labor. I think I have tried them all (except the castor oil- gross!)
Walking on an incline
doing squats
warm bath
red raspberry leaf tea
some TMI methods
eggplant parm....

and here I am, still waiting. :)

I know God has perfect timing. Only He can control when my sweet baby girl gets to make her big debut. So I am TRYING my best to be as patient as I can. Trying to listen to advice from moms about resting and relaxing while I can. So today, I am off to get a prenatal massage (thank you Mike!) and have a decaf latte. Ready when you are Hannah Rae!

Psalm 139: 'O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.'

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Baby Bump Pictures

Thanks mom for taking these awesome photographs!! I love them!! 

Baby Hannah Rae is totally showered!

This weekend was a DOWNPOUR, not just a shower for our sweet girl! Mike and I are overwhelmed with the generosity and kindness of our incredible family and precious friends!! Saturday, the lovely ladies in my family hosted a special shower. There is no better place than with my sweet family! I love those women!!
 The Grandmothers!
 Even Big Chris helped spoil Hannah Rae

Then, on Sunday, my gym (No Excuses) hosted a triple shower for the 3 preggos at our gym! It was SO sweet and fun!

We can't thank everyone enough for the support, encouragement, and presents! She has everything she needs and could ever want!!