Monday, May 14, 2012

My 1st Mother's Day

Yesterday I was able to celebrate my very first Mother's Day! Mike made the day extra special for me. He took me to a wonderful brunch at J. Christopher's (where I insisted on waiting 45 minutes for a table instead of sitting at open seats at the bar... bless him), gave me the sweetest card, and these GORGEOUS flowers! It was a great day!

Celebrating this day for the first time really made me reflect on the enormous job God has blessed and entrusted me with- the job of being a mom. What a massive responsibility! I am responsible for her safety, her physical health, her emotional and spiritual growth, feeding her, clothing her, making her feel safe and loved, helping her reach her goals and accomplish her dreams.... the list goes on and on!

I have HUGE shoes to fill! I was blessed with the most amazing great grandmothers, grandmothers, and mother. Never once did I doubt their unconditional love and total support. I have been given the model for strong, loving, compassionate mothers. I hope I can be the kind of mother they were.

My prayer is that God will help me, guide me, lead me... to be the mom He wants me to be. My prayer for my daughter is that she will know how much God loves her and how much her family loves her...always. I pray that she will do GREAT things..."immeasurably more" than she can even imagine.

I can't wait until next Mother's Day, when I will be able to celebrate with her in my arms!


  1. so sweet catherine! being a mom is the hardest, best job ever! you will be great! can't wait to meet your sweet baby girl!! hope you're feeling good :)
