Wednesday, April 25, 2012

28 Weeks!!

Well, I am officially in the home stretch (kind of)! This week begins my 3rd and final trimester. It is hard to imagine that in just around 12 weeks, I will be holding Baby Girl Low in my arms!! She is around 2 1/4 pounds now and about 14-15 inches long! She is the size of a "Chinese cabbage". I wasn't sure what that was, so I found a picture.

I am feeling pretty good! My dearest Chrissie was a life-saver this weekend by giving my a pregnancy pillow, which really seems to help me get comfortable in the bed at night. I am really enjoying increasing fetal movement! It is the neatest thing!!

 The name search is still underway. Mike and I keep debating, finding new names, and narrowing down original ideas. We WILL have a name for this baby girl, I promise! :)

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