Monday, April 30, 2012

28 weeks

I had a great weekend~ I got to see my wonderful friend from college Anna, who is also expecting! (She is having a boy in 4 weeks- can we say "arranged marriage"??)
Nesting?? Mike and I did some planting at our house this weekend.... I don't know how Dad does it all the time! This is HARD work!! But we had fun, and the yard looks great!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

28 Weeks!!

Well, I am officially in the home stretch (kind of)! This week begins my 3rd and final trimester. It is hard to imagine that in just around 12 weeks, I will be holding Baby Girl Low in my arms!! She is around 2 1/4 pounds now and about 14-15 inches long! She is the size of a "Chinese cabbage". I wasn't sure what that was, so I found a picture.

I am feeling pretty good! My dearest Chrissie was a life-saver this weekend by giving my a pregnancy pillow, which really seems to help me get comfortable in the bed at night. I am really enjoying increasing fetal movement! It is the neatest thing!!

 The name search is still underway. Mike and I keep debating, finding new names, and narrowing down original ideas. We WILL have a name for this baby girl, I promise! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

27 weeks

Mike and I out to dinner with friends at 27 weeks- last week of the 2nd trimester!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

weight gain and maternity pants and restrictions ...OH MY!

With the absolute JOY of pregnancy comes some major adjusting. After years of strict Paleo dieting and Crossfit, I have programmed myself not only to want to be in great shape physically, but have also become majorly addicted to the adrenaline and sweat that come with high intensity workouts.

At the beginning of my pregnancy, the all day "morning sickness" and fatigue kept me from working out. But ever since around week 14, I have felt great, and have been craving that old feeling I got from my workouts. However, what is "ok" and what is "dangerous" is different with every person I talk to. Even doctors have a WIDE range of opinions on this topic. On one hand, I have more conservative doctors telling me to "go for a walk" each day. Sorry, but after 3 years of Crossfitting, a "walk" just doesn't do it for me.

On the other hand, I have read articles like this one:
Where someone who has been very active beforehand, continues with a high level of workouts (modified of course).

So which direction does a girl go with? How do you weigh the options? What is a good balance to keep your baby safe, but allow you to continue with an exercise program?
There is NO way I would ever want to put my precious baby girl in ANY type of risky situation. But I also feel depressed when I can't get in a good sweat. After talking with my coaches and the gym, following great websites like, and investing in a good heart rate monitor, I think I have found a nice middle ground.

I still go to my gym and do the WOD like everyone else, but with major modifications. I monitor my heart rate, trying to stay as close to the 140 bpm as possible. I pace myself, go slow and steady, and use very light weights. I am also back to the red band with pull ups. (Those extra pounds make pull ups a new challenge!)

I am also adjusting to my changing and growing body. This has been tough for me too!

Top things NOT to say to a pregnant woman:
1- "Awwww, you're getting so big!"
2- "How far along are you? About ____ months?" (insert any amount of weeks/months way
past where I actually am)
3- "When are you due? Oh, have a long way to go"

The constant growing out of all my clothes, depressing process of finding non-hideous maternity
clothes, and weird new developments to my body are definitely a challenge to me. I actually had to make an emergency Target run (a for REAL emergency one this time) to buy something to sleep in because I cannot fit into any of my PJs!

But each time I feel my daughter moving around in my growing belly, I am reminded of how amazing, miraculous, and WORTH it all of this is! No stretch mark, brown line down my tummy, or backache can compare with the JOY I will have when my baby girl arrives! Less than 14 weeks to go!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break and 25 weeks

25 weeks!! (with an amazing background)
I had such a great time with the family in Perdido Key! The weather was perfect. I got to relax, read 2 books, and spend time with my fam! I had fresh redfish caught by Chris, and went for one of dad's famous "sunset cruises" to dinner on the water. Baby Low LOVED laying out! I don't know if it was the light or the heat from the sun, but she went crazy whenever I was laying out on the beach each day. She was moving around so much, you could see my stomach moving. The grandparents both got to feel her move this week- which was so special!!!Claire dug a hole for my belly so I could get some sun on my back. She measured to make sure it was the perfect fit for my bump. Thanks Claire!! :) That's right- I rocked my two-piece! haha