Sunday, September 9, 2012

 At 7 weeks, Hannah Rae is a smiling, cooing, active baby girl! She is now flashing her precious smile to mommy and daddy... even to gram and granddad! She loves to swing, talk, go for walks, and study her surroundings.

 What she does not love.... shoes! (Notice her reaction below)
I am not to happy about this because I bought her so many cute pairs of shoes! We are going to have to work on this...

 Hannah got to cheer on the Dawgs this weekend!
 and of course the Falcons too!
 I took Hannah to church for the first time this week. It was so fun to dress her up in a "church dress"! She did great at church, and the sermon was on parenting so it was a great Sunday to take her.
This week I really felt like I finally had things down. Hannah and I are getting our schedule down- she even slept for 5 hours or more 3 nights!! I have finally figured out how to squeeze in cleaning house again, I have been cooking dinners, and even working out! YAY! Now I have to figure out how to do all this while I am working too.... it's gonna be tough. I am going to soak in every second of my last 3 weeks with Hannah. 

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