Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pink or Blue?!?!?!

I am wondering if I will be able to sleep tonight because tomorrow is the day!!! We will find out if our little miracle is a boy or girl!!

I will be happy no matter what, but I keep thinking about what life will be like with each. If it is a little girl, she will be spoiled rotten! She will have so many precious girl cousins to grow up with! I would want her to be close with her cousins growing up, and would pray she could have a relationship like me and Susan have. I will be able to dress her up in adorable outfits, play with her hair, let her try out dance lessons (even if she does it just for the ballet shoes), teach her how to wear make-up, shop for prom dresses, talk about boys.... If it is a boy, we will have a much needed addition to our families of 6 little girls! He will be Mike's best buddy. I will be able to watch my dad and brother teach him to play ball, catch lizards and bugs with him (cute bugs only), dress him in cute little shorts and boat shoes, watch him pretend to be a superhero or army man, teach him how to be a gentleman, enjoy him learning to fish, one day look up to him....

I just cannot wait to see what our future has in store!!! The countdown is on... the sex of Baby Low will be revealed tomorrow!

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