Monday, August 27, 2012

5 weeks

 At 5 weeks, Hannah is starting to really become a "person". She is staying awake for longer periods of time, making adorable coos and squeaks, making eye contact, and even smiling! :)
 We've started "tummy time", and H is already trying to move! It looks like she is trying to crawl away in this video!
 She did GREAT on her first road trip to meet Uncle Drew! She slept during the car ride (and most of the whole trip actually)
 YAY! Uncle Drew is home! It was such a memorable and special weekend! Hannah loves her Uncle Drew, and so do all of us!!!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I can't believe my baby girl is already one month old! Her one month week has been full of firsts:

 Mom finally got brave enough to take me out on strolls outside.

 first date.
first grocery trip
 first bath (finally! I thought that belly button would never heal!)

 first babysitters while mom and dad had a date

 first time figuring out how to suck my thumb

 Happy 1 month Hannah Rae!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

3 Weeks Old!

3 weeks old today!
Mike and I are still suffering from lack of sleep, but we are starting to get the hang of this (I think). Nothing beats holding sweet Hannah in our arms, snuggling, smelling her, and just staring at her!

 Hannah loves sleeping with daddy and with her hands straight up in the air.

 Happy 3 weeks!

Friday, August 3, 2012

2 weeks!

Little Hannah Rae is officially 2 weeks old! I am so happy to be her mommy!

 Lots of new developments this week!

*Hannah has finally learned how to open her mouth when nursing (whew!) We are really starting to get the hang of it. 
*She loves to smile! I don't know if they are "real" smiles, but she does it all the time (especially when she is sleeping). It makes me so happy!
* She REALLY wants to sleep on her side. The doctors say to keep her on her back, but she somehow always manages to end up partially on her side. She can also get her hands out of my best baby burrito and hit herself in the face at night.
*The milestone book I have says they start to life up their head a little at a month old- Hannah is already doing it! When I burp her up on my shoulder, she lifts her head up and looks around (makes me nervous), so I guess she is "advanced".
* We are really getting to know our pediatrician. We've been twice this week. The good news- Hannah is back above her birth weight- at a whopping 7lb 13oz. The not so good news- we've had to have her poor little belly button cauterized twice because it isn't closing up properly. :( This was definitely harder on me than her. I don't know how I am going to handle shot time...
*We should have our car seat adventures on video. It is a two man job! Hopefully we'll get better at this!
*Hannah continues to look like her dad's twin. Her eye color remains a mystery. I am secretly hoping for brown so SOMETHING about her looks like me. :)

Thanks again to all of our family and friends that have come visit, brought gifts for Hannah, and provided meals for us! Of course I couldn't have made it through this week without my, cleaning, grocery shopping, running errands, helping me at the doctor, changing diapers, letting me shower, rest...etc,etc, etc... THANK YOU GRAM!