Saturday, June 30, 2012

We're ready for you!!!

At 37 weeks and some change, now we're just patiently (trying our best to be) waiting to meet our sweet little Hannah Rae!

We had our hospital tour, have our bags packed, and the nursery is ready for our new addition!
tour- check!
 Thank you mom for painting the precious tree for her nursery!

 She has more clothes than me! How am I going to pick what to dress her in first?

I experienced my first contractions this week- Braxton Hicks I guess? Thank goodness I have an OBGYN nurse as a mother-in-law! She was able to explain/ask/make me feel at ease.  It sure does make it real! We are really going to have a baby- SOON!! :) Love her so much already!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Baby Shower Time!

Our friends hosted an awesome baby shower for us! We had a great time cooking out and hanging out- and they gave us the most generous gifts for Baby Low!! :) We are so blessed to have such great friends in our lives! Thank you to the Merrills for opening up their gorgeous home for the party!
 The beautiful and sweet hostesses- Chrissie, Alaina, and Andrea. I could not ask for better friends!
 These two will be close in age- and hopefully close friends like their mommies!

She was truly showered with so many wonderful gifts- thank you to all our friends! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

36 week update

One month away!! I can't believe we are so close now! We are finishing up final details to the nursery... we're ready for her to get here! I had a check up on Monday. Everything is looking good. I hope these next 4 weeks go by fast!!

She is getting so big!! The doctor says I am measuring pretty average, so he made an "educated guess" that she would probably weigh between 7 and 8 pounds when she gets here. :)

Happy Father's Day Mike! You are going to be the best dad!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 34

Week 34 was filled with beach fun! Mike and I headed to Perdido Key for a little get-a-way. I am feeling great, just starting to notice a little fatigue setting in again mixed with the occasional leg cramp here and there. I had a check up this week, and everything looks great! Baby is growing (so is my belly- see picture below), her heartbeat was 140, and I measured right at 34 weeks.

Thanks mom and dad for a great trip! Next time, we will have Baby girl in tow!

 My fisherman!

"The baby wanted dessert" :)  

 Boat ride!

Friday, June 1, 2012

33 week update

I can't believe it is JUNE!!! Where has the time gone?! It is crazy to think that our sweet baby girl will be here NEXT MONTH!

The past week has been another eventful one! We ended the school year, had another wedding, a trip to the hospital (everything is fine), and a baby shower at work. Whew!

The grandparents came to help out at the last day of school cookout.

 1st hospital trip- I had been sick all weekend and was having some stomach cramping. Turns out it was related to stomach virus and being dehydrated- no contractions! :)

 My sweet Buford Elementary friends hosting a precious shower.